Time & Talent


Ephesians 2:10 says we are God’s masterpieces, created in Christ to do good works. When we volunteer for our parish, we are doing God’s work and fulfilling His plan for our lives. Imagine this: God created you, His masterpiece, to do awesome stuff. Through Christ, you can and do make a difference. When you serve, you are helping to change lives. This is true regardless of where you serve.


Sign-Up Here!


Time and Talent Resource

For more information regarding our ministries, please contact specific persons as noted in the booklet, or otherwise:
Holy Name & St. Clement:  920-458-7721 petriem@sheboygannorthparishes.org
St. Dominic:  920-458-7070 woelfell@sheboygannorthparishes.org
  • Please prayerfully reflect and discern how you could best use your time and talents.
  • Then use the accompanying form to sign up, either online or on paper.
  • Signing up on SNCP website is preferred: sheboygannorthcatholicparishes.org
    It saves staff time & resources.
  • Return completed paper forms in the offertory basket (at Mass) or to parish office.
  • Your promptness is appreciated.
  • Many other faith-based volunteer opportunities in the community exist. Some are listed on the SNCP website under GROUPS.

Your Stewardship Committee