Time & Talent



Ephesians 2:10 says we are God’s masterpieces, created in Christ to do good works. When we volunteer for our parish, we are doing God’s work and fulfilling His plan for our lives. Imagine this: God created you, His masterpiece, to do awesome stuff. Through Christ, you can and do make a difference. When you serve, you are helping to change lives. This is true regardless of where you serve.

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Time and Talent Resource
Our Vision: We are a united and diverse Catholic community joined through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. By virtue of the intercession of Mary, we aspire to create an ever-increasing spiritual thirst for Jesus that ignites faith through the sacramental life of the church.

We invite Spanish speaking parishioners to join these ministries. Contact Lulu at 458-5390 or torresl@sheboygannorthparishes.org
A paper copy will also be available at the parishes.

  • Please use the accompanying form to sign up.
  • Return completed paper forms in the offertory basket (at Mass) or to parish office.
  • Your promptness is appreciated.
  • Many other faith-based volunteer opportunities in the community exist. Some are listed on the SNCP website under GROUPS.

Abbreviations:  HN=Holy Name of Jesus     SC=St. Clement   SD=St. Dominic    SNCP=Sheboygan North Catholic Parishes
(Note: Some other faith–based opportunities exist and are listed on SNCP’s website tab: About Us, Get Involved, Groups and Organizations.

For more information regarding our ministries, please contact:
Holy Name & St. Clement:  920-458-7721 petriem@sheboygannorthparishes.org

St. Dominic:  920-458-7070 woelfell@sheboygannorthparishes.org

Thank you for volunteering!
Your Stewardship Committee

Ministry and Other Volunteer Opportunities-Booklet