Adult Faith Formation

Adult faith formation allows us to actively learn and live Jesus’ call. This includes bible study groups, but so much more…it involves creating opportunities to meet people where they are in their relationship with Christ so we can grow as disciples. The US Catholic Bishops remind us: God's call to holiness, our faith and life as adult disciples are grounded in developing a personal relationship with Jesus and we learn and live our faith as active members of the Church. Prayerfully consider growing your relationship with Jesus.
For more information contact Kym Leibham -

Safeguarding Coordinator is Lori Woelfel -


Adult Faith Formation
Nourish your soul through our enriching Catholic adult faith formation opportunities available this fall! Whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding of Scripture, engage in meaningful discussions, or connect with a vibrant faith community, we have something for everyone. Embrace the invitation to grow spiritually, fortify our church community, and draw closer to God. Register today for one (or more) of the
inspiring and transformative experiences.
Registration required 10-days prior to the first small group session with Kym Leibham at 920-207-0222 or

Young Mom’s Play Group
Join us for loving fellowship and play time the 2nd the 4th Friday of each month from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Bring your kids, play items, coffee or tea, juice box, and let’s get together for some play time. We are excited about meeting other young moms, and supporting each other through prayer, empathy, and friendship. The moms meet at a local park, so if you are interested in receiving information about the Young Mothers’ Ministry and the park locations, contact Kym.

August 23: Firehouse Park in Town of Sheboygan

Witness the Fire!
Join over 10 Catholics from Sheboygan County who attended the National Eucharistic Conference as they share about their transformational moment in a night which will set our hearts on fire too! We will Revival attendees from Plymouth, Elkhart Lake, Falls, Kohler, Sheboygan north and south. Any revival attendee is welcome to witness! Whether we attended the conference or not, we all are part of the revival. Yes, that is right, the Revival is NOT OVER! You will leave inspired into action to bring a Catholic back to Mass!

Monday, August 26, 5:30 p.m. Mass, 6 p.m. Revival witness
St. Dominic Church, Sheboygan

Small Groups
Your Most Powerful Question
Your Most Powerful Question offers a practical, simple discernment tool to help Catholics find our purpose and define our role in God’s plan. Ultimately, this workshop will guide you to the start of revealing your most powerful question which is embedded in our own life story―no matter where you are on your journey. We will find that even the apostles Peter and Andrew, were called not with a command or request, but rather with a life-changing question: “What do you Want?” (John: 1:38).
Hosted by Kym Leibham, 5 weekly gatherings
Wednesdays beginning Sept. 4, 6–7:30 p.m., St. Peter Claver Or
Thursdays beginning Sept. 5, 1-2:30 p.m., Reinl Center
Book cost $15 on Amazon. Registration required

Home, A Study on the Virtues of Mary
This beautiful “Blessed is She” study invites women to dwell in the home of Mary. To help you observe your Mother, you will  contemplate her ten principal virtues according to Saint Louis  de Montfort. Each chapter includes story, scripture, questions   for reflection, and more. This Marian study will breathe new life into your everyday inviting you to fall more in love with Jesus    by growing closer to His Mother in her home.
Hosted by Sherry Osterhaus, 6 weekly gatherings
Wednesdays beginning Sept. 11, 9:30-11 a.m., Sherry’s home
Book cost $15.50 available at the HNJ office
Limited to 10 women. Registration required.

Promises & Fulfillment - The Eucharist in Scripture
Wake up to Your Faith through this engaging video study, presented by Dr. Scott Hahn which will unlock the meaning of covenant, sacrifice, and sacrament as understood in the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation. Built around three of Dr. Hahn’s foundational talks: “The Lamb’s Supper,” “The Fourth Cup,” and “Consuming the Word,” The series examines the biblical foundations of the Eucharist and explores the Church’s liturgy as the original context for the books of the Bible.
Hosted by Jan and Don Holm, St. Dominic Volz Lounge
2nd and 4th Sunday monthly beginning Sept. 8, 9–10 a.m.
No cost. Registration not required but appreciated.

Catholic Book Read
Join our monthly Catholic book reading group to dive into inspiring and thought-provoking literature. Each month, we select a book that enriches our faith and broadens our understanding of Catholic teachings and traditions. Enjoy engaging discussions, share your insights, and connect with fellow readers in a supportive and welcoming environment. September 5 books: Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn and Beautiful Eucharist compiled by Matthew Kelly.
October 3 book: Women of Hope-Doctors of the Church by Terry Polakovic.

Hosted by Teresa Bettag
1st Thursday monthly beginning Sept. 5, 2–3 p.m.
St. Dominic Gathering Space outside the PAC
Book purchase on your own. Registration required.

The Book of Exodus Part 1
The Exodus stands as the pivotal event of the Old Testament, shaping the context for all its other narratives. In Part One of this Little Rock Scripture study, we delve into the first fifteen chapters of Exodus—journeying from the harsh reality of slavery to Moses’ divine calling, from the devastation of the plagues to the miraculous crossing of the sea, and from the oppression of captivity to the newfound freedom in the Sinai. Uncover the profound truth that God listens to the cries of the oppressed and delivers those in need of His justice.

Hosted by Ken Sedmak (Sunday) and Linda Schulz (Wednesday)Sundays 6:30 p.m. beginning Sept. 22, Via Zoom


Wednesdays 9 a.m. beginning Sept. 25 at
St. Dominic Volz Lounge
6 sessions meeting every other week
Book cost $12 available at the St. Dominic office
Registration required.

The Chosen Season 4
The Chosen Season 4 continues to explore the life and ministry of Jesus Christ through the eyes of those who knew
Him best. We watch an episode together followed by discussion on the episode. Bring your own popcorn and beverage!
Hosted by Kym Leibham
8 weekly gatherings Mondays beginning Sept. 9
6pm - 8pm
Immaculate Conception Conference Room
No cost.
Registration not required.
Men’s Bible Study
This group offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the Bible, share personal insights, and grow in
fellowship with like-minded men. Engage in meaningful discussions, support each other’s spiritual journey, and discover practical ways to live out your faith in everyday life. The study uses the Little Rock Scripture study
Acts of the Apostles Part One; Lesson 4
Hosted by Dominic Dorato
4th Thursday of the month beginning Sept. 26
7pm – 9pm
Immaculate Conception
Gathering Space
Registration requested. No cost.

Sunday Reading Explorations
Wednesday Morning Women’s Study
An enlightening Women’s Bible study utilizing At Home with the Word coupled with Brant Petri’s video reflections about the Sunday readings. This is a welcoming group who is growing in understanding scripture and incorporating it into daily life. The content is a wonderful balance of unpacking the Scripture and learning how evangelize and heal a fractured world.

Hosts Laura Graney & Sue Lacke
Wed. (ongoing study 9– 11 a.m., St. Dominic Aquinas Room
Book cost $9 available at St. Dominic. Registration required.

Wednesday Evening Study
All are invited to join our inclusive Bible study group, designed to enhance your understanding of the Sunday readings. Each week, we gather to delve into the Scriptures, offering a
welcoming space for illuminating discussions. Whether you are new to Bible study or have years of experience, you will find community and inspiration as we explore the liturgical messages together. Everyone is welcome!

Hosted by John Lacke
Wed. beginning Sept. 25, 6:30– 8 p.m., Reinl Center Chapel
No cost. Registration not required but appreciated.

Thursday Morning Women’s Study
Come and grow in faith, community, and spiritual wisdom with us and deepen your understanding of the Sunday readings. Through guided discussions and shared insights, you’ll
gain a richer appreciation of the liturgical messages and how they apply to your daily life.

Hosted by Jean Schott-Wagner
Thursdays beginning September 19, 10– 11 a.m., Via Zoom
No cost. Registration required.

Called & Gifted
Introductory Workshop 1
The Called & Gifted™ Discernment Process is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives.
Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people. Whether extraordinary or ordinary, all charisms ought to be exercised in the service of God (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2003). Part One lays the foundation for the beginning of discernment. During the initial Called & Gifted workshop series the participants will take the Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory.

Hosted by Kym Leibham, 5 weekly gatherings

Wednesdays beginning Oct. 9, 9:30- 10:30 a.m. St. Peter Claver
Or 6–7:30 p.m. Reinl Center
Or Sat., Oct. 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., St. John the Baptist, Plymouth

Book and online platform cost $45. Registration required no later than Oct. 1.

Christian Experience Weekend (CEW) Catholic Retreat
Are you looking to renew your faith, develop a closer relationship with God, and develop Catholic fellowship? Shepherd of the Hills is hosting a Christian Experience Weekend (CEW) in Eden, WI for Catholic adults 18 years and older. A Women's Retreat will be held on October 18 - 20, 2024 and a Men’s retreat is being planned for March 21-23, 2025.  Questions, contact Or visit

Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration on Dec 8
“Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary (Marian consecration) truly is ‘the surest, easiest, shortest, and the most perfect means’ to becoming a saint” said Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, in his book 33 Days to Morning Glory. Every week we’ll read about how one of our four giants of Marian consecration (St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, and Blessed John Paul II) lived out his or her consecration to Jesus through Mary. The goal will be not just to read about them and their teaching but, like Mary, to ponder their message in our hearts. Even if you have used this study to prepare for the Consecration Day, you will find new meaning every time you reflect on the teachings.

Hosted by Kym Leibham, 5 weekly gatherings
Tuesdays beginning Nov. 5, 1- 2:30p.m. St. Peter Claver
Or 6–7:30 p.m. Reinl Center

Book cost $13 available at St. Dominic office. Registration

Join us for Coffee & Faith with Fr. Phil
Please join us! We always have interesting questions! Come and join us at our biweekly gathering hosted by Fr. Phil Reifenberg. Grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and let's have some meaningful conversations about faith and life. The first and third Tuesday of each month from 10–11 a.m. in the St. Dominic Gathering Space outside the PAC. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to experience the beauty, unity, and love of our faith!

Amen App Scriptural Stations
Thank you, parishioner Kathy Cram, for a reference to a beautiful Scriptural Stations of the Cross by Pope St. John Paul II available on the Amen app.

Book Recommendation
33 Days to Eucharistic Glory by Matthew Kelly is the first ever Eucharistic Consecration book. This unprecedented spiritual resource presents profound truths, astonishing historical facts, powerful practical examples, a daily virtue to adopt, extraordinary prayers, and inspiring stories—all in an easy-to-follow daily format.
     Life is a pilgrimage. It is a sacred journey toward our eternal home with God. Learn what it means to be a pilgrim in a world that’s constantly trying to reduce you to a tourist and consumer. Journey with Mother Teresa, John Paul II, Thérèse of Lisieux, Maximilian Kolbe, Thomas Aquinas, Sister Faustina, the Children of Fatima, and Mary the Mother of God to experience Jesus in the Eucharist like never before.
     And…there is an adult and a children’s version! Available on Amazon and Dynamic Catholic websites.

Working Professionals
I recently discovered a spectacular podcast on faith, business, and leadership with Fr. Nathan Cromly, CSJ called “Dare Great Things for Christ.” Fr. Cromley invites you to ask yourself how we can be someone who really makes a change in this world. The gospel of Jesus Christ summons a response from those who receive it. That response lays down a pathway for the transformation of culture, society, and relationships that is nothing short of heroic.

     In this podcast, Father Nathan Cromly enables listeners to hear the voice of Christ calling them to greatness at every level; an ideal offering for those who have accepted the call to be leaders in their various states of life. It is available on most podcast apps: Apple, Spotify, Podbean, etc. Enjoy! Kym

Pope Francis’ Year of Prayer
Pope Francis announced 2024 will be “dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer in one’s personal life, in the life of the Church, and in the world” in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope. How can you grow your prayer life this year? Contact Kym and we can develop a plan together.

Eucharistic Revival
The company of God is ever-present, extending an inviting hand to you. We encourage you to embrace this divine invitation, dedicating an extra hour with our Lord each week. We ask that you prayerfully consider His call to participate in Adoration, Reconciliation, or an additional Mass weekly as you nurture your love with Christ.

Adoration Across the County

  • Sunday: 1:30-3:30 pm 2nd Sunday, St. Nicholas, Dacada, (Random Lake) (seasonal, closed for winter Dec.-March)
  • Monday: 2-5:30 pm 1stMonday, St. Rose Fredona
  • Tuesday: 12-7 pm, St. Clement, Sheboygan (EXCEPT March 19 – 12-5 pm; & No Adoration on March 26)
  • Wednesdays: after 8 am Mass (8:30-9:30 am ish), St. Thomas Aquinas, Elkhart Lake & 3-5 pm St. John the Baptist, Plymouth
  • Thursdays: 8-9 am before Mass, Blessed Trinity, Sheboygan Falls
  • Thursdays: 6 am– 9 pm St. John the Evangelist, Kohler
  • Thursdays: 5-7 pm Our Lady of the Lakes, Random Lake
  • Thursday: 9 am-Noon 3rd Thursday, St. Peter Claver
  • Saturday: 8:30 - 9:30 am 1st Saturday, SS. Cyril and Methodius from, immediately following the 8 am Mass

See Mass Schedule on Website for Weekday & Weekend Masses.

Why the Eucharist Revival Now?
The church needs healing. And the world needs the church.


· 39% Catholics ATTEND MASS weekly.

· 112,000,000 individuals have had serious THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE during the last year in the US.

· FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION the number of adults belonging to a church or congregation has FALLEN BELOW 50%
Statistics from the National Eucharistic Revival Playbook.

Communion to Commission
We are called to reach all people to fall in love with Jesus, inspire disciples, and go out on missionary discipleship. He has called you by name to discern how you will grow His kingdom through the year of Eucharistic Revival. Contact Kym to help bring the Eucharistic Revival to our parish family through:

·Ministry work
·Faith formation (youth, family, adult)
·Special events
·Intercessory prayer teams
·Person to person encounters

Ongoing Bible Studies

o   Women’s Bible Study utilizing At Home with the Word and studying Sunday Scriptures with Brant Petri reflections Wednesday mornings 9–11 a.m. St. Dominic Aquinas Room. St. Dominic hosts 8 a.m. Mass prior to the study. The group is welcoming to all who would like to better understand scripture for the Sunday masses and try to incorporate it in our daily lives. Small book cost.

o   The Open Bible. Study the upcoming Sunday Readings: Teachings+Videos+ Small Groups= Increase Your Faith. Wednesday evenings from 6:30– 8 p.m. at the Reinl Center Chapel, first floor. Registration is not necessary; join when you are able. No cost.

Special note: The first Wednesday of each month, this group will participate in a Bible study featuring a series by Scott Hanh. All are welcome to join anytime.

o   Wake up to Your Faith small group is hosting a study on the Book of Luke Sundays from 9–10 a.m. Volz Lounge, St. Dominic. Hosted by Don and Jan Holmes.

o  That Man is You (TMIY). Interested in strengthening your faith and making a difference in your life and those around you. TMIY is a national Catholic men’s program meeting every Saturday morning at Blessed Trinity in Sheboygan Falls at 7 a.m. with coffee and donuts, followed by a 20-minute video and small group discussion till 8:30 a.m. This chapter is about 25 men ages 30-80 and looking to grow! Contact Mark Weber 920-980-2112 or Steve Stauber  920-395-2091.

FORMED Teaching Mass
A two-part series offering a deep dive into the many parts of the Mass and the meaning of each.

Abiding Together Podcast
Women, the Abiding Together Podcast is BACK! Hosted by Sister Miriam, Michelle Benzinger, and Heather Khym, Abiding Together provides a place of connection, rest and encouragement for people who are on the journey of living out their passion and purpose in Jesus Christ. You can find the podcast on their website or iTunes, Spotify, Podbead, or Google Podcasts and it’s FREE!

Focus on Us
Strengthening Marriages
Our NEW and ongoing marriage ministry gives couples the time to love, listen, and share with each other and deepen the presence of Christ as the center of a marriage. Groups of 4–5 couples come together on a Friday evening, once a month. The host couple provides questions for meditation and sharing, then models how to share. Each couple moves to a separate space together and contemplates the questions and shares, just with each other. The evening is mainly about sharing as a couple. Couples of all ages and chapters of life are presently part of the ministry. Couples are welcome to join anytime. Contact Kym if you are interested in learning more.

Advent by Candlelight Photo Gallery

Lent Soup Suppers Photo Gallery

Moms & Kiddos Get Togethers Photo Gallery

Pilgrimage Our Lady of Guadalupe, Illinois Gallery

Pilgrimage Our Lady of Good Help, Wisconsin Gallery




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