4K-8 Faith Formation


All Faith Formation sessions take place on the St. Dominic campus, 2133 North 22nd Street, in the Faith Formation building (old school building). 

Call 920-458-5390 or boycek@sheboygannorthparishes.org
 for more information, to register, or to volunteer.
Safeguarding Coordinator is Lori Woelfel -woelfell@sheboygannorthparishes.org

Welcome to Faith Formation! Our role is to help you and your children grow closer to Jesus Christ and His Church. We have two main ways we do this, a Sunday Family Formation Program and a Wednesday Weekly Program. Your family make choose which program suits your family needs and schedule best, but once you choose for the year, please stick with the option you started with, we unfortunately cannot welcome families to switch back and forth since these two programs have such different content and approaches. 
Sunday Family Formation
The goal of this program is to engage parents more in their children's faith formation journey. Parents are the first and greatest witnesses of faith in Jesus to their children and we want to honor that reality. This program invites parents to once monthly parent sessions (first Sunday of the month, 9:00-10:10 a.m.) while children go to grade level catechesis classes. Then, on the third Sunday of the month, we'll have whole family sessions with opportunities for prayer, activities, and discussion. The secret sauce of this program though is the at-home lessons. Parents will be given all the resources they need to lead  their children in a few 15 minute at home lessons each month. This is a way for parents and children to grow in faith together and for children to look to their parents as reliable, faithful examples on this Christian journey. This is open to families with children PreK-8. (Children preparing for first Sacraments may join this program as well, their grade level class on the first Sunday of the month and their half day retreat right before the Sacraments will prepare them for First Reconciliation and First Communion.) Topics of this program will rotate each year and will include the Creed, Sacraments, Life in Christ (Morality), and Prayer. 
Wednesday Weekly Program
Our usual Wednesday Weekly program will remain largely the same. Students will come weekly on Wednesday evenings and will learn about the faith in grade level classes with their catechist. Topics covered include God, the Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and the Old Testament. This program is open to students PreK-8. 
Please email Kate Boyce, Director of Religious Education, boycek@sheboygannorthparishes.org with any questions you may have or call Lulu Torres at 920-458-5390. Please also call or email if you'd like to volunteer to help with Faith Formation programs. God bless you and know of our prayers for you! 

4K-8 Online Form
4K-8 Online Form (Spanish)

4K-8 Flyer
4K-8 Flyer (Spanish)
4K-8 Calendar



Faith Formation Program for 4- and 5-year olds

Children will experience a fun-filled program to begin them on the road to a life of learning about God. They will listen to exciting Bible stories, make fun crafts, watch videos, dramatize the story, or play games related to it. They will also celebrate the feasts and seasons of the Church year with crafts, games, and parties.

Sacramental Preparation Program

Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) and the Sacrament of Eucharist (First Communion) is a two-year program at our parishes. Year One (first grade) students learn about God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, about loving God and one another, the Church seasons, and different ways to pray. Year two (second grade) is spent on learning about and preparing for the sacraments. If your student is older than second grade and hasn’t received the sacraments, contact us when registering so we can help them prepare.

Classes for third through sixth grades

Students continue to learn and grow in their faith. Each year, while they continue to learn about basic church teachings, the sacraments, morality, and prayer, they will also explore an additional topic in greater detail. In third grade they learn the Creed, Commandments in fourth grade, sacraments in fifth grade, and Old Testament stories in sixth grade.

Grade School Ongoing Opportunities

Liturgy of the Word for Children
Sunday Masses
10:30 a.m. St. Dominic Parish
Children are invited learn about the liturgy in a language they understand and through activities and discussions related specifically to their age. Children leave with a leader during the beginning of the Liturgy of the Word and return during the offertory time. No registration needed.

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