Groups & Organizations


A religious group or organization provides a way for Christians to live their faith outside of hearing the word. If Sunday morning is for listening, then the rest of the week is for living.

Serve as a visible instrument of God’s love and get involved with various groups and local organizations.

Boy Scouts

Troop 890 and Pack 3821 are ecumenical groups, involved in many service projects. The scouts volunteer at Little Lourdes Day, Emmaus meals, Food Drives, rummage sales, church grounds keeping and wherever our parishes can use "boy" power. Scouts are also active in weekend camp outs, canoe trips, summer camp, and a variety of other activities. There is an annual Scout Sunday Mass and the religious awards program follows the guidance of the National Conference of Bishops and the National Catholic Committee on Scouting. Troop 890 and Pack 3821 always welcome new boys.

Contact Us For More Information!

Boy Scout Troop 890 sponsored by Holy Name/St. Clement

920-207-1186 Rob Sheraski Scout Master

Cub Scout Troop 3821 sponsored by Holy Name/St. Clement

414-491-2430 Cub Master Chris Knudtson

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal benefit society order based upon its founding principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. It was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families.

Their charitable activities encompass an almost infinite variety of local, national, and international projects. From international charitable partnerships with Special Olympics, the Global Wheelchair Mission, and Habitat for Humanity to our own Food for Families and Coats for Kids projects and other purely local charities, the opportunity to work together with fellow Knights and their families is virtually endless.

If you are a man of faith and action, and would like to be a part of an international organization of more than 1.8 million Catholic men, whose principal work involves helping others in need, we'd like to meet you and invite you to join us.

Contact Us For More Information!
(920) 458-7444   

Mary's Room

Mary’s Room is a place where young mothers can find accessible clothing and necessities for their new babies. Friendly volunteers are always welcome to assist at the store and to coordinate donations, such as baby layettes, baby blankets, and diapers.

Contact Us For More Information!
(920) 208-8258   

Rainbow Kids Coordinators

Rainbow Kids is an ecumenical, non-profit organization, sponsored by the Christian churches of Sheboygan County. These churches have banded together to provide peer support programs for children, teens, and their parents who have experienced loss due to death, divorce, separation, or abandonment. Facilitators and Site Coordinators work with small support groups for children grouped by age (4 to 18 years) throughout the school year. Adult volunteers facilitate groups and are trained in grief education and active listening. There is no fee.

Contact Us For More Information!
(920) 452-2838

St. Vincent de Paul Society

St. Vincent de Paul Society is a worldwide Catholic organization of lay people whose members grow spiritually through person-to-person service to the needy and suffering. They respond to the needs of the community by helping where help is needed. This includes temporary financial aid for rent or utilities, tuition assistance for Catholic education, food, clothing, or household furniture. Volunteers help at the store, receiving, sorting, and stocking donations. Cashiers are needed to assist customers. Volunteers are needed to work as part of a team to lend their hearts and hands to make a difference in someone's life.

Contact Us For More Information!
(920) 457-4844   

Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization (SCIO)

The Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization is a spiritually based interfaith organization made up of faith communities in the Sheboygan area, regardless of creed, national origin, or race. They seek to positively affect issues such as: assisting the needy with utility bills, eviction notices, rent, emergency motel stays, help with home services, (repair/snow/lawn) short-term child care, and transportation for the elderly. Women's Wear Daily is a shop where low-income women can purchase almost-new, clean, clothing.

Contact Us For More Information!
(920) 457-7272