Staff Member: JUDY WILSING
St. Clement Director of Music Ministry
Phone: 920.458.7721
Email: Click Here to Email
Judy Wilsing, a native of Kohler, WI, is currently the Music Director of St. Clement Catholic Church.
More than 40 years ago, she received a request from Monsignor Vernon Koehn, the pastor of St. Clement at the time, to help out with playing Masses. He explained that their current organist had left the keys on the organ and disappeared! Having little experience, she decided to answer the call for help. Monsignor Koehn took her under his wing and taught her everything about Catholic Mass and catholic faith. He did this with great patience and kindness, believing in her to answer a more important call from God.
Her favorite part of working with the North Catholic Parishes is the people! She is honored and blessed to serve the congregation of St. Clement. The church community has always been incredibly warm and welcoming and continually inspire her with their faith and hope in Jesus. The St. Clement Choir is her second family and dearest friends. The northside staff is equally inspiring, and she enjoys working with them.
Outside of the church, Judy truly believes in "Faith in Action." She gives private piano instruction, writes music and children's plays, and loves the one-on-one interaction with children. "Passing on a love of music to children is like giving away a piece of my heart." She is also an ardent champion of animal rights. She regularly contributes to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. The Milwaukee Rescue Mission provides meals, shelter, and clothing to the homeless and the poverty-stricken, and helps the homeless. The greatest joys in her life are her family and her garden.
Judy believes that there is an undercurrent of deep faith, loyalty, and commitment in the North Catholic Parishes. No matter which northside parish one attends, she believes one is always met with a cheerful welcome and a smile. There is a great sense of belonging and a willingness to work together prayerfully.